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Basic data - network specification (such as network name, kinds of services, name and identification of the operator, possessed ISPC and SPC codes, partnership in NPAC and assigned OpID codes, partnership in xPhoNet and assigned NetID code, reference to web networks and operators), network parameters (such as active size of a network, capacities of assigned, borrowed, lent, handed over or taken over telephone numbers, capacities of connection trunks) and network numbering plan (i.e. a list of telephone numbers in operation). All this is available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Possessed numbers - list of telephone number ranges used by a given network. This is about the telephone numbers assigned by a regulator or numbers borrowed from another operator, who then vice versa registers the numbers as lent. All this is available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Transferred numbers - list of telephone number ranges that a given network took over from other networks or, on the contrary, these are handed over by a given network to other networks. For every range, the respective network from/to which the numbers were transferred is identified. Only those actual data are available where the network is a partner of NPAC and also a partner of xPhoNet. All this is available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Interconnection of the network - list of connection trunks creating tie-lines between telephone networks as well as trunks creating a star configuration where the centre is the transit telephone exchange. All trunks are identified by its kind (outgoing, incoming or bi-directional), telephone signalling and capacity (max. number of simultaneous calls). All this is available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Contact data - list of web and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers and other contact data to technical and business staff of an operator. This information is available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). Besides, direct contacts to top technical and business staff is listed for prompt communication between operators; these are available only to authorised persons of partner networks (not to public). |
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Price data - list of prices for calls within own network, for calls to directly connected VoIP networks, for calls to other VoIP networks and to fixed TDM networks and for calls to mobile networks. All this is differentiated for heavy and light traffic and with specification of tariff periods (i.e. 1:1 or 60:30 s). This is mostly available to xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Operational reports - information, continuously published by the operator, about planned service interruption, or his statement to unexpected failures within his telephone network, with possible reference to more detailed reports published on operator’s own website. This is mostly available to xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Commercial reports - place for any current text or graphic commercial information that can be supplemented by a reference to other sales promotional, commercial and/or price information published on the operator’s website. This is mostly available to xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Test assignments - list of tests assigned by the centre administrator and made on the given telephone network, including information about test initialisation or suspension (for more info, see tester of telephone network). This list is available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous public). Besides, detailed test parameters (such as tested IP addresses and telephone numbers) can be displayed to the operator of the given telephone network. |
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Test results - list of current (or, the latest) results of all tests (i.e. „no failure“ or „failure of function“), running directly on the given network. These results are available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Failure summary - a simple analysis of failures at a given telephone network, divided according to the kind of tests at various time periods. The data are available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |
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Reaction summary - a simple analysis of reactions of a given telephone network, divided according to the kind of tests at various time periods. The data are available to all xPhoNet users (incl. anonymous). |